Health Consumers Collaborative of Queensland
This strategic, high-level Collaborative is a joint initiative between Health Consumers Queensland and Queensland Health. The Collaborative is tasked with embedding consumer partnerships at every level of planning, policy, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of services provided by Hospital and Health Services and the Department of Health.
The Collaborative is a unique mechanism that brings strategic consumers together across the state with leaders in the health system. We are very proud that it is independent, but also integrated in Queensland Health governance.
The goal of the Collaborative is to ensure consumers, carers and their families are at the centre of all decision making and to build a more consumer centred health system here in Queensland. It does this by being an advisory group and a forum for health consumer issues.
The Collaborative provides an opportunity for senior leaders in health to listen to and learn from health consumers who are using the system daily, weekly, monthly and truly understand what the needs of Queensland communities are.
The group is a mechanism for health leaders to get early consumer and care feedback on policies, ideas, strategies and programmes and projects.
Health Consumers Collaborative of Queensland has a role in the systems governance of Queensland Health and consumers play a key role in this.
The Health Consumers Collaborative of Queensland is an HCQ deliverable with the funding we receive from Queensland Health. HCQ provides secretariat and chairing support.
Membership of the Collaborative includes:
- Consumers
- Deputy Directors-General from the Department of Health
- Board Chairs of Hospital and Health Services
- A representative of the Health Service Chairs Executive
- Chair of the Queensland Clinical Senate
- A representative of the Queensland Clinical Networks Executive
- A representative of the Primary Health Networks

Topics the Collaborative have discussed include:
- Implementing and monitoring Queensland Health’s system priorities
- Strengthening the role of consumers in Queensland Health system governance
- Getting the balance right: Responding to a COVID surge, delivery of non-Covid care and embedding health reform
- Health Reform – health system priorities and issues
- Health literacy
- Value-based healthcare