Discussion paper feedback closes: 12 May 2017
Various forum dates
The Queensland Mental health Commission is reviewing the Queensland Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Strategic Plan 2014-2019 (the Strategic Plan).
The Strategic Plan set a platform for change over three to five years to improve the mental health and wellbeing of Queenslanders.
Much has been achieved by many agencies across many sectors over the last two years. However reform is continuous and there is a need to ensure our collective efforts are making a difference. The Strategic Plan review will focus on how we can continue to make progress towards achieving better outcomes for Queenslanders. The Commission is also updating the:
- Early Action: Queensland Mental Health Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention Action 2015–17
- Queensland Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2015-17
- Queensland Alcohol and other Drugs Action Plan 2015-17.
You can play a significant role in the review by:
- Providing feedback to two discussion papers published by the Commission with feedback due on 12 May 2017.
- Attending community forums being held throughout Queensland.