Request Promotion in HCQ eAlert

The Health Consumers Queensland eAlert is emailed to approximately 2000 Queensland consumers and health service staff each fortnight. At times, the eAlert includes selected opportunities for consumers from a number of external organisations. If your opportunity benefits health consumers in Queensland, you are welcome to request promotion in eAlert by completing the form below.

HCQ’s newsletter eAlert is distributed fortnightly. Therefore it is advisable to submit your promotion request at least 2 weeks in advance of the date you would like it to be published.

Consideration is given to opportunities that relate to consumer partnerships and:

  • Your opportunity should offer a benefit to health consumers in Queensland.
  • Commercial promotions are not considered for eAlert.
  • Provide a project description that is not more than 400 words.
  • Additional information should be available online, accessed via a link which is provided in the submitted promotional text
  • Not all requests for promotion can be guaranteed for publication due to available space.

Please make sure essential information such as closing dates for applications or Expressions of Interest, event dates and times and so on are included in your promotion description. You may check to see if your item has been included at: eAlert archive