August 2021: Lockdown in South East Queensland
Faced with an outbreak of the Delta variant and a swift lockdown in South East Queensland, HCQ asked consumers around the State: How are the latest COVID-19 outbreaks affecting you and your health?
Faced with an outbreak of the Delta variant and a swift lockdown in South East Queensland, HCQ asked consumers around the State: How are the latest COVID-19 outbreaks affecting you and your health?
With parts of Queensland in lockdown against the Delta variant for the first time, a public health system under extreme pressure and an acceleration in the vaccine rollout, HCQ has focused on listening to consumers and carers and staff. We moved mindfully and acted swiftly and strategically to maximise the impact of our small team and the voices of consumers, to help keep Queenslanders safe and well.
We know there are so many issues for health consumers and the system to navigate during an outbreak . We held a Consumer Conversation to ask how the latest COVID-19 outbreaks in Queensland were affecting you and your health. We also heard from members of our CAG and Youth Reference Group and consumer representatives, consumer, disability, aged and palliative care and culturally and linguistically diverse NGOs to find out how they’ve been impacted by the lockdowns, regional cases and concern about spread.
This is what you told us and what we shared with the public health system: August 2021 – How the latest COVID-19 outbreaks in Queensland are affecting you and your health.
Friday, 6 August 2021
10.00-11.15am via Zoom
Health Consumers Queensland invites regular users of the health system from right across the State to talk about how the latest COVID-19 outbreaks are affecting you and your health. By sharing your experiences and solutions, we can identify the key issues and help shape the health system’s response.
After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the conversation.