February 2017

Last week the Consumer and Carer representatives on the Steering Committee gave a presentation about the stories of young consumers. From this presentation, we will develop a consumer and carer designed education and training package designed for the staff at the new facilities, as well as a range of other applications for mental health and other staff. This will include a range of (anonymous) stories, developed for training purposes. Through your contributions to our story snapshots and templates online the Consumer and Carer representatives were able to share the lived experience of severe and complex youth mental illness. If you didn’t get the chance to do this, the templates are still open:




Having your say on Education and its role in Severe and Complex Youth Mental Health

A consumer and carer-designed survey has been developed to explore the connection of education to recovery for young people with Severe and Complex Youth Mental Health. Health Consumers Queensland and Education Queensland will also be working together to facilitate further consumer and carer consultation.

The new survey is here (sorry for survey overload!)


January 2017

Preliminary Model of Service open for consultation!

Implementation of Recommendation 4, to build a new state-wide, extended treatment facility with access to an integrated education/vocational program in south-east Queensland for young people with severe and complex mental health issues, commenced last

Following nominations from Hospital and Health Services, Department of Education and Training and consumers and carers, a co-design process was undertaken to inform a preliminary Model of Service (MOS) for the new facility. The MOS has now been released on the COI Implementation Team website at www.health.qld.gov.au/improvement/youthmentalhealth/model-of-service/ and will remain open for comment until Friday, 17 February 2017. You are invited to provide comments on the MOS to inform further development and encourage other interested parties (government, non-government and individuals) to do so also.

If you would like to contribute to a group response for consumers and carers, please contact us by emailing leonie.sanderson@hcq.org.au

balloon-912805_1280Do you have a story to tell about your experience with youth mental health services? Our Consumer Reference Group has developed resources to help you share your experiences and to tell your story.

If you’re a young person with lived experience of mental health services, click here to go to the consumer snapshot questions.

If you’re a family member or carer of a young person with a mental health issue, click here to go to the family/carer snapshot questions.

We’ve also prepared a storytelling template that helps you to tell your story. You can access it here.

We have now held a total of 3 Consumer Reference Group meetings. These meetings are held monthly in Brisbane and we can also telelink people in via phone if necessary. The next meeting will be held on 11 January 2017.  If you are interested in connecting with other consumers and carers who have an interest in the implementation of this project, please email Leonie on leonie.sanderson@hcq.org,au